Meeks Mountain Camping
A limited number of primitive camp spots are available on Meeks Mountain.
Visitors/Campers of Meeks Mountain are encouraged to register. The sites are first come first serve basis. Although registration is not mandatory, we ask you to take a few moments to contact Meeks Mountain Trail Alliance. Do so by calling 304.549.5865, Facebook: Meeks Mountain Trail Alliance or City of Hurricane Meeks Mountain Trails.
Primitive Camping Rules & Guidelines:
MMT primitive campsites: K&A Camp, Mae Camp, Sunset Camp (more to come)
Always practice “Leave No Trace” camping and hiking techniques to reduce your impacts. By making it hard for others to see and hear you, you will minimize your impact on other visitors of Meeks Mountain.
Limit your stay to 4 days.
Access to each campsite is by hike or bike.
Limit group size to 10 persons or less (each campsite has room for only one group at each site)
Pets must be under your control at all times, including noise.
Campfires: West Virginia holds strict standards for forest fire laws in order to protect the state’s most valuable resource – our forests. Please be completely familiar with all requirements.
All sites have been provided a rock fire ring. Only burn within the safety ring.
We follow the West Virginia Division of Forestry laws as it pertains to outdoor burning.
Keep fires small.
Only burn dead and down wood for fuel. **Aluminum and glass do not burn.**
The wood must be completely burnt at the end of your stay.
The fire must be fully extinguished prior to vacating the site.
Some sites will have split firewood. This is for your use; we only ask that you return the favor and pay it forward. Join us some time to help build and maintain trails or split firewood for the next user.
Trash: “Pack it in, pack it out.” Clean your campsite before you leave.
Human waste should be buried 8 inches deep and covered at least 200 feet from campsite, creeks, and trails.
Stay on designated trails to access the campsites. Do not create new trails. Trails can be muddy and wet so be prepared to get your feet wet.
Be nice. Think of others. Kindness propels kindness.
Visitors/Campers of Meeks Mountain are encouraged to register. The sites are first come first serve basis.
Although registration is not mandatory, we ask you to take a few moments to contact Meeks Mountain Trail Alliance. Call 304.549.5865,
Facebook: Meeks Mountain Trail Alliance or
City of Hurricane Meeks Mountain Trails. -
Most Important Guideline: Enjoy Meeks Mountain!

Building Trails, Building Community.